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Now that it's been over a week since Will and Kate got married, I think it's finally safe to approach the subject of the royal wedding without it being overkill - at least, that's what I think, and I'm the writer here, so that's what we're going with. I'll admit, I always have had a slight obsession with English royalty - thank Queen Elizabeth I and her crazy father with his 8 wives for entertaining me as subjects in so many amazing books - and so when I heard about Wills popping the question to Kate, I thought, well that's cute. I never really followed this particular royal family - I was only 5 when Princess Di was killed, and so it's not like I was always paying attention or even knew anything about them. I preferred the old historical families that were so much cooler.
When the engagement photos appeared of the couple, though, I started getting interested. She was absolutely gorgeous, and even though he's a bit strange looking - horsey, maybe? - they still made an adorable couple. I started getting curious, and so I researched (I am a Wikipedia JUNKIE, for sure) Kate and now, as sad as it is, I can tell you just about anything regarding her, her relationship with Will, or her family. Pathetic, I know.
What I found most interesting, however, was that Kate wasn't born into prestige or royalty or even a small title. Her parents are party planners, and eventually their company became well known and soon her family was well off, which led her to be able to attend the University of St. Andrews, where she met Will at a fashion show. (See? PATHETIC.) Kate started off in life as young Kate Middleton, oldest daughter of some successful British party planners - and now look at her: she's now known as " Her Royal Highness Princess William Arthur Philip Louis, Duchess of Cambridge, Countess of Strathearn, Baroness Carrickfergus." Yes, I copy and pasted that from Wikipedia, because even though I'm a huge dork, there's no way that I could remember a title like that.
Crazy though, isn't it? To be a normal, common person and then in a few whirlwind-like years you become quite possibly the next Queen of England! What girl doesn't want to be a princess? No matter how tomboy you were as a kid, or may still be, you know you wanted to be a princess at some point in time. I was pretty jealous as I looked at the pictures from Will and Kate's wedding - okay, and as I watched the entire thing, but not at 3 AM like some crazy people! I watched it at a decent time, 10:30ish, thank you - because she looked so beautiful, and the wedding was so cool, and it was so nice, and she's a princess now!, and...yeah, safe to say I was jealous. I want to be a princess!
My wish - and every other little girl's wish - has already been granted, though. From the time that we were born - the time that we were even thought of - we were already a princess. We were God's princess. Don't believe me? Think about it! God says in Philippians 4:6 to "not worry about anything; instead, pray about everything." There, He says that we don't have to be fearful or worry, because God has our backs! It says in Psalm 139:13-14 that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and that God knew us before our mothers even realized that we were around!
My mind is racing right now, because I'm like 99% sure God is telling me that I'm not supposed to focus on this post and instead focus on another part of my story, so let me give you the NR challenge for this insanely sporadic and short post - sorry! Your challenge is to think of yourself as the princess you rightly are - GOD'S princess! While you may not have the opportunity to marry a future prince of England (hey, Harry is still available!), you can know that the best prince is smiling at you always - the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ Himself. So what do you say? You're a princess! It's time to realize that!
Are you in?
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