Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Blessings in Disguise

Well, hi again. Long long LONG time no see. I hope everyone had a fantastic semester and past 5 months. I know I did.
Honestly, I could give some long excuse on why I haven't posted since I was a junior in college. (Senior in college, holler at your girl!) But really, it's just like this: I've been pretty dry. I've been bare bones, spiritually. I had so much to do in so little time that I left little to no time for what really mattered - spending time with my Savior. I had 19 credits jam packed into 10 weeks, then full time prestudent teaching in an Autism Support room the last 5 weeks of the semester. I found myself a boyfriend, and he's incredible. I've been trying to cram in as much friend time as possible, but I left out the biggest and most important friend - God.
So, pretty much, I apologize. Things are different. I feel much, much different than I was 5 months ago - and I can almost promise you now, I don't ever want to disappear for that long again. 
I'm back, I'm better than ever, and I'm ready to share. Stay tuned.
Are you in?
